Monday 14 August 2017

Profile Story.

This is my profile story.. I don't really get it.. But, I do in a way, no one wants their "prince charming" or "princess charming" to be in a wheelchair. We all have been programmed since birth to dream of our prince or princess have to be perfect.

To make-up for my many down falls a mission in my life is to help people who use wheels. Lots of people don’t think of it, but parents pushing baby strollers, people using walking devices (wheelchairs, walkers, etc...), and even the guy filling up our pop machines, use wheels and cause of seasonal erosion our cities infrastructure will not hold up, I hope this is something you’ll find interesting, because it’s something I deal with every day and hopefully we can chat about it, among other things! Like working out… I work-out every day (religiously) and It’s records automatically on my FitBit. One day soon I’ll record my work-out and post them on my you-tube channel.

The reason I'm on this website, I’m looking for a female friend who is open to going from a solid friendship to an understanding love; someone that can be there for me and I can be there for them in all that this crazy life has to offer! what do you think?

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